Ongoing projects
IDEAL is associated with projects funded by the Paraíba Statate Research Foundation that aims at sharing biodiversity data using FAIR principles and develop tools supporting decision making and environmental education
Photo: Blonde capuchin, Sapajus flavius, at RPPN Engenho Gargaú. Photo by Thomas de Carvalho Callado – License CC BY 4.0.
socio-ecological coviability
We adopt the concept-paradigm of socio-ecological coviability, referring to the multiple settings by which humans and non-humans can coexist in persistent, functional and far ways. In doing so, we are bridging approaches from biodiversity sciences, computer science, social and human sciences, and economy.
Kick-off meeting (2023)
The IDEAL IJL has been launched on June 12th 2023 at the Federal University of Paraíba, Campus IV. Our network encompasses institutions in several Brazilian states and France with study cases in Paraíba, Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte