Day 1: Monday, 12/06/2023 – Public Launching of the IDEAL IJL
Mamanguape Auditorium – UFPB Campus IV
Zoom link will be sent in advance only to members of the IDEAL IJL (online attendance is not available for the general public)
Simultaneous interpretation will be available both for online and onsite audience (Portuguese-French-Portuguese)
Mediation: Dr. Allan Yu Iwama, DSE/PRODEMA – Federal University of Paraíba
9h00 – 9h10 (Paraíba) / 14h-14h10 (France)
Welcoming speech & presentation of the 2-day program
Prof. Rafael L. G. Raimundo, Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB)
9h10 – 9h20 (Paraíba) / 14h10-14h20 (France)
Presentation of IDEAL IJL partnership
Dr. Laure Berti-Equille, French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD)
9h20 – 9h30 (Paraíba) / 14h20-14h30 (France)
Expectations from the perspective of local communities:
a message from young Potiguara leaderships
Eng. Poran Potiguara, Coordinator of the Potiguara Waters Project
9h30 – 10h30 (Paraíba) / 14h30-15h30 (France)
Session 1. Understanding and managing biodiversity and ecosystem services
UFPB Biodiversity Graduate Programs (PPGEMA and PPGCB):
Biodiversity, knowledge synthesis and pioneering projects fostering
adaptive governance of socio-ecological systems in Paraíba
Prof. Rafael L. G. Raimundo and Prof. Alexandre Vasconcellos (Federal University of Paraíba)
UFRN Restoration Ecology and Human Ecology Labs:
Restoring the Caatinga biodiversity to fight desertification and social vulnerability in Rio Grande do Norte
Prof. Gislene Ganade and Prof. Priscila Lopes (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)
FUNCEME – Ceará Foundation for Meteorology and Water Resources:
Data intelligence for community-based water management and agroecological transitions in Ceará State and synergy with the project MODASH/Sertões
Dr. Renan V. Rocha and Dr. João D. A. Pontes Filho (GEPEH/FUNCEME)
IMBE – Mediterranean Institute of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology:
IMBE and its integrative approach to the study of biodiversity and socio-ecological systems
Dr. Sophie Gachet and Dr. Alberte Bondeau
(Mediterranean Institute of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology)
GBIF – Global Biodiversity Information Facility:
GBIF’s mission of providing open access to biodiversity data and
its application to regional sustainability projects
Sophie Pamerlon (Global Biodiversity Information Facility – France)
10h30 – 12h00 (Paraíba) / 15h30-17h (France)
Session 2. Big Data and Artificial Intelligence meet Sustainability Science:
social and economic interfaces. This session includes:
UFPB Exact Sciences and Information Science Departments:
Applying Data Science and FAIR open data to improve social and environmental policies and projects
Marcus W. A. de Carvalho and Guilherme Ataíde Dias (Federal University of Paraíba)
POLI-USP – Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo:
Big Data Analytics applied to environmental and socioeconomic data
Pedro Pizzigatti Corrêa (University of São Paulo)
IRD UMMISCO – Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Complex Systems:
The diversity of the applications of AI to biodiversity data and issues
Dr. Eric Chenin (IRD UMMISCO)
INCT Odisseia – Socio-Environmental Dynamics Observatory:
Current challenges for data integration and the development of indicators
Prof. Henrique Roig (University of Brasília)
ESPACE-DEV – Space observation, Models and Actionable Science:
Artificial intelligence and big data applied to socio-ecological coviability
Dr. Laure Berti-Equille and Olivier Barrière (IRD ESPACE-DEV)
UFRN Anthropology Department and
PALOC – Local Heritage, Environment and Globalisation:
The other side of the coin: concerns on traditional knowledge and
participatory research in the age of AI & Big Data
Dr. Laure Emperaire (UMR PALOC)
Prof. Julie Cavignac (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)
12h – 12h15 (Paraíba) / 17h-17h15m (France)
Official signing of the IDEAL IJL Cooperation Agreement and remarks by:
Valdiney V. Gouveia, Rector of the Federal University of Paraíba
Frédérique Seyler, President of IRD Brazil
12h15 – 14h (Paraíba) / 17h15m-19h (France)
Lunch Break
14h-15h30 (Paraíba) / 19h-20h30 (France)
Biodiversity going FAIR: open data principles and their potential to
integrate biodiversity research and regional development projects
Guilherme Ataíde Dias (Federal University of Paraíba)
Adriana Alves (Federal University of Paraíba)
Alexandre Vasconcelos (Federal University of Paraíba)
Laure Berti-Equille (IRD ESPACE-DEV)
15h30 – 15h50 (Paraíba) / 20h30-20h50 (France)
Coffee Break
15h50-16h50 (Paraíba) / 20h50-21h50 (France)
Regional development and sustainability policies: reconciling economic and social perspectives
Priscilla Prudente do Amaral (Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation)
Priscila Lopes (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte)
Márcia Fonseca (Federal University of Paraíba)
16h50 –17h (Paraíba) / 21h50-22h (France)
Synthesis and Concluding Remarks
Prof. Rafael Raimundo (Federal University of Paraíba)
Prof. Laure Berti-Equille (IRD ESPACE DEV)
Day 2: Tuesday, 13/06/2023 – Internal Workshop involving
only IDEAL IJL researchers and guests
Mamanguape Auditorium and Rooms – UFPB Campus IV
Zoom link will be sent in advance only to researchers involved in the IJL and guests. These activites are internal and not open to the general public.
No simultaneous interpretation will be available and the language adopted for these activities will be English.
9h – 10h30 (Paraíba) / 14h-15h30m (France)
IDEAL IJL goals, study cases and methodological approaches: an overview
Rafael L. G. Raimundo (Federal University of Paraíba)
Laure Berti-Equille (IRD ESPACE DEV)
Angeluce Barbotin (Federal University of Paraíba)
10h30 – 11h (Paraíba) / 15h30-16h (France)
Coffee Break
11h – 13h (Paraíba) / 16h-18h (France)
Study case plenary session: Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará and Pernambuco
The schedule and dynamics for this session will be sent by e-mail only to researchers and guests involved in Day 2.
13h – 14h30 (Paraíba) / 18h-19h30 (France)
Lunch Break
14h30 – 16h (Paraíba) / 19h30-21h (France)
Transdisciplinary study cases parallel sessions
The schedule and dynamics for this session will be sent by e-mail only to researchers and guests involved in Day 2.
16h – 17h (Paraíba) / 21h-22h (France)
Synthesis Plenary Session
The schedule and dynamics for this session will be sent by e-mail only to researchers and guests involved in Day 2.
17h-17h15 (Paraíba) / 22h-22h15m (France)
Closing remarks